Ten Climate Change Myths
1) Climate Change can cause human starvation.
Anything we can survive insects can survive. In fact, even if all the humans on earth were wiped out due to thermonuclear war, insects would still thrive. Given that billions of humans already eat insects it's clear that you can too. Besides, the United Nations wants you to eat insects. Since insects will always be with us we will always have something to eat.
2) Global warming has always been the prevailing doomsday catastrophe climate theory
The popular doomsday weather catastrophe used to be global cooling.
3) Global warming is purely a man made thing
Venus is hot because it's closer to the sun and due in part to the runaway greenhouse effect. There are no factories on Venus.
4) Since the weather man can easily be wrong predicting the weather, climate changers would be more accurate when it comes to predicting the climate.
Man made models do not in general get more accurate with time. The typical man made model gets less accurate as time goes on because it's a model of reality. It's not reality.
5) Climate change is anything other than a money grab.
Notice that the only solutions that are offered for Climate Fraud and Global Hoaxing are forms of Marxist wealth redistribution. It's all a commie plot. If it were not a commie plot then all the Climate Changers would be putting their money into a huge solar power plant somewhere in southwestern United States. And after they got a good start on that they would sink money into the transmission lines needed to transmit the power and the battery factories needed to store it. Then they would just sell the rest of us power from the technology they assure us will become cheaper than oil in the long run.
They don't do this because they are a bunch of bribed, lying commie traitors who would never be caught dead with a capitalism solution. By the way, if all they things they say about renewables were true, they would make a capitalist killing off this plan.
6) They only way to save us from Climate change is to destroy capitalism
If anthropomorphic Climate Change exists capitalism is the only way to solve it. I don't see Zimbabwe or North Korea solving anything.
7) The only way to save us from Climate Change is to institute Marxism.
If communism were of any use in this regard then North Korea would be a green paradise rather than a Marxist hellhole.
8) Sharia law is the only way to save us from climate change.
Yeah all we need is an invasion of the same ideology that brought us ISIS and Syria so that we can look just like Pakistan. By they way, when was the last time you thought about going on a vacation to Pakistan or Syria for that matter? Yeah if we get invaded by a bunch of fake refugees who hate beer, bacon and bikinis and who think all our women dress like whores--yeah, like that will solve all our problems.
9) Foreign criminals are the only way to save us from climate change.
Invading the United States with a bunch of foreign criminals who get no benefits and take less than minimum wage has done wonders for unemployment in the black community. And has not had any appreciable effect on the average temperature in California. If it had, no one would be proposing the Marxist redistribution plan called crap and steal, or cap and traitor, or crap and trade something like that.
10) That anything the west can do will have any effect.
If anthropogenic climate change exists only China, India and the rest of the third world can save us. Remember, we moved our factories there. You could close down the west and there would be no effect on climate or pollution. We already have stringent pollution laws.
11) That Climate Change is a scientific theory.
Scientific theories are falsifiable. Notice that if it gets warmer they claim it's part of the Climate Change Catastrophe. But if it gets cooler they also say its part of the Climate Change Catastrophe. It may be religion or propaganda or a Marxist redistribution plot but if you cannot do something like: Prove that all known effects are from volcanic emissions alone--at least in theory--then Climate Change is communism and it's not science. If you cannot--even theoretically prove that any changes in climate are due solely to changes in solar radiation and sunspots--then it's not science it's a Marxist redistribution plan.