I came across an article the other day that asked if Japan was going extinct because some Japanese men where choosing sexbots over relations with real women. But I think it's much worse than just Japan going the way of the Dodo.
The west already gone. Look at how many western nations allow foriegn criminals to invade their countries and rob, rape and murder with impunity. Combine this with men in gated communities choosing cyber lovers or robot women and it becomes clear that Japan and the west are choosing various forms of virtual suicide over life. Some young people have decided not to get married or have children. In third world there are plenty of people and ideologies willing to take up the slack but some of these other cultures care nothing for traditional Japenese, European or American values.
Japan may go away for lack of interest--the interest of the Japanese people in doing the hard work of sustaining a thriving culture and country.
Western nations are being led by spiritual and national leaders who seem to hate Christianity and capitalism. These "leaders" have looked at North Korea, Venezuela and Zimbabwe and decicded the world needs more that that. They are encouraging foreign criminals, fake refugees and rape refugees to invade their nations , destroy their cultures and replace them with something other than Christianity and capitalism.
For the US in particular it's as though they have taken a close look at Mexico and decided that what needs to happen is the US must be more like Mexico. Clearly, the left had decided, the US needs more poverty, corruption and drug trafficking.