Saturday, June 29, 2019

2020 Predictions


Scenario One:

Col Weekend At Bernie's Sanders wins the presidency and declares that the United States of America is over.  It is now the Communist Caliphate and Federation of Marxist provinces.  All land, property and capital is hereby confiscated and is now owned by the state.  Everyone will leave their dwellings now.  They will be naked and will take nothing with them.  They will line up at their local police station to be issued  rags--whoops I mean clothes.  For now, food is optional.  Water will be rationed and anyone who drinks more than they need will be executed.  Oh and by the way, what they did in Venezuela was only the beginning.  Thank Gawd, whoops, I mean thank the maggots that fed off Karl Marx's corpse for public education.  It took decades of brainwashing from leftists professors and instructors to produce a generation stupid enough not to understand that the dictatorship of the proletariat requires a dictator.   Every one else is dog meat for the dictator's dog.   You know kind of like they have in North Korea.  You effing morons were shown everything that would happen to you.  Thank Marx you were far too stupid to understand.  A Marxist state that runs everything can take anything at any time.  That's what state control of EVERYTHING means.
Who will move into your dwelling once the government kicks you out:

  • Foreign criminal invaders
  • Domestic criminals fresh from prison
  • Bums, vagrants and various stanky diseased "homeless" types

Scenario Two:

Can't keep his hands off girl hair Crazy Joe Biden assumes the presidency.  Oddly enough.  Though a Californian did not win the presidency the politics of California will gain ascendancy.  For instance Mayor For Life of Los Angeles Darth Cetti, the one who thanked murderers, rapists and thieves for their service and welcomed them home for prison with gift bags, will be put in charge of urban policy.  What this means is that bums, vagrants and the homeless will be allowed the litter the doorsteps of every home in America with human feces and used hypodermic needles.  But wait, there's more.  All school children everywhere will be taught that all heterosexual sex is rape.   Also all teenage girls will be forced to undergo impregnation via sperm banks so that every girl in America can experience both pregnancy and that Holy Grail of all Holy Grails:  abortion.    So the only sex that will be allowed will be gay sex.  Heterosexuality will be punishable by the longest prison sentence imaginable.  However, all straight males will find a trivial but very effective way around this.  All "hetereo" males will identify publicly as women and dress as transvestites.    These males will, in addition declare themselves to be holiest and most inviolable of sexualities:  lesbians.    As lesbians they will gain access to all girls lockers rooms and will be able to prosecute any females who refuses to date them as homophobic.  For straight males who don't mind running around in lipstick, high heels and dresses it will be heaven on earth. Oh and all gynecologists and all female athletes will be either transgendered or just men who identify as women.


Child Endangerment


Knowingly bringing a child to the scene of a crime should at least be a felony.  All foreign criminals who brought children to the border should be arrested and imprisoned.  Their children should be turned over to Mexico authorities to be returned to remaining family members.

Problem solved.




Creepy Uncle Joe T-Shirt





potus interruptus T-Shirt




Woman's Tees:  POTUS STFU ASAP T-Shirt
Creepy Uncle Joe T-Shirt





Trump is Zombie Proof T-Shirt



They found the evidence of Trump's Russia collusion under the GEODUCKS  in the corner of your son's bedroom

Hiding place of Nadler's Nachos


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